
My Interview With Julian Clark

 Photographer: LilyK Photography @lilykphotography

At what age did you start acting?

JC: I got my first work permit when I was 7 and I started acting classes. I booked my first acting job when I was 9.

What’s your favorite type of sport to play or watch?

JC: Baseball is my favorite sport to play and watch.

What’s your favorite t.v show to watch?

JC: Teen Wolf is my ultimate favorite T.V. show. I started watching it when I was 4. Teen Wolf is the whole reason that I became an actor.

What’s your favorite project that you’ve done?

JC: MANI is my all time favorite project that I have worked on. I love working with everyone from the Director to the cast and crew. They are the best!

Do you support any organizations?

JC: I recently participated in The Spreading the Love event. I am hoping to become an Ambassador.

What do you do on your free time?

JC: I love to swim on my free time. I also like to hang out with my friends and family.

How do you spread the love?

JC: Being a positive person and making others feel positive about themselves is how I spread the love. No one should feel left out for any reason. We are all different and that’s the best part of it all. If we were all the same then life would boring.

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